5. From Line
The single most important part of an email message is the From line. If the person you’re sending to doesn’t recognize your name, your message will be at best skipped over. At worst, it will be simply deleted without opening.
Most email programs show a friendly display name instead of the plain email address.
The From line of your email (friendly display name) should have your full name and organization in it.
For example, when I send out an email, my from line reads: Ron Coleman– Global Marketing Plus. When someone receives an email from me, it’s pretty clear which person named Ron the message came from. And if they don’t know me, but know my company instead, they won’t completely ignore my message.
But at least a couple of times per week I get an email that was meant for someone else named Ron, but works at a different company.
The culprit is that many people have only their first names listed in the friendly From display line. Most of the time the messages aren’t too racy, but with email programs that automatically fill in an email address when you start to type a first name, it’s easy to email the wrong person something that could be seriously career limiting.