Can’t I let my calls go to voice mail?
How often when you are on the phone with a receptionist at a real company does she say “That’s ok, I’ll just let it ring”?
I bet never! That call from a potential customer is too valuable!
However, if she says, “Could you wait a moment while I put that other call on hold?” I understand and it is no big deal.
Our focus groups results showed that once you missed the call, your odds of creating a good first impression with the caller are nill.
Plus, what is the caller doing? He has gone to the next call to find his information! We found that many times when you call back the call you missed, you get a busy signal because he is talking with your competitor!
When you do reach him, we found he has already found the information he needs and is satisfied with the information and will probably buy from the first person he talked to!
The best thing to do is be the first one to talk with the customer by taking the call!
January 4th, 2011 at 11:58 am
WOW, you have such great common sense words of wisdom. I appreciate the reminders and need to remember to live by them. Thanks.
January 5th, 2011 at 9:30 pm
Thanks Ron. That really answered my question from yesterday and makes perfect sense!