Is your marketing lacking?
For your business to succeed, you need prospective clients to know that you are able to service their needs. The challenge here is that many prospective clients have no idea if you are able to accomplish that!
Yes, you have testimonials on your website, but so do all your competitors!
These testimonials provide your prospective clients with little real insight as to your ability, because we all know they are usually written by the best clients. You would never quote your upset clients, would you!
Yes, you have put logos from your industry organizations on your website or brochure, but they mean nothing to your prospective clients. Since your prospective clients are not experts in your industry and have no idea if they have any credibility. Even if they are credible, your prospective clients are likely to see them on your competitors sites and marketing materials too. In other words, your prospective clients still know nothing about your knowledge or skills.
Show Them!
So, if you want your prospective clients to find out how awesome you are, show them!
Start writing blog posts or newsletter articles, which demonstrate your knowledge. Show what you know and how valuable your information is. Use your marketing messages to deliver information to your prospective client that has value; something they can use rather than just a sales pitch. Educate them. Cause them to position you in their mind as an expert in your field and the logical person to call, when they need help from someone in your industry.
Show your prospective clients that you are able to service their needs.
The good news? Very, very few of your competitors are doing this right now!