Global Marketing Plus

Tips and Tricks for Small Business Success

3 Mistakes To Avoid In Internet Marketing

November 02, 2012 By: Ron Coleman Category: Email Marketing, General Business, Marketing, Networking, SEO, Website Design, blogging

When it comes to internet marketing, there are things that you simply need to avoid so that you will not waste your time. Unfortunately, these are very common mistakes and if you are able to avoid these, you will be able to have an edge on your competition. If you are serious about being a successful internet marketer, then you need to focus on these mistakes and to remember to avoid them.


Are you making the progress you want with your business?

January 11, 2012 By: Ron Coleman Category: General Business, Marketing

Let me ask you a question.  If your car dies on the highway, and it won’t start, do you push your car everyplace you want to go, day in and day out?  No!  that is not the solution.  You need to fix your car’s engine and then drive where you want to go!

Well, the same is true with your business.  If your business is not generating the leads and inquiries you need, the solution is not to keep “pushing” ineffective marketing on people.  You need to fix your marketing engine!

Many business owners I meet seem to feel that all they need to do is more of the same marketing and that that will increase leads and customers.  For example, they fail to get the leads and customers they want from networking, blogging, email marketing, direct mail, etc, so they do more of it.  Many times they try new marketing techniques by copying others who are in just as big a mess as they are.  Then they wonder why they don’t have enough customers and sales!

You need to break free from those destructive actions?  You need to know what the right marketing for you and your business and then you need to know how to use it correctly!

You can get the help you need and stop wasting your time and money whenever you wish. 

The choice is yours!